Saturday, July 5, 2008

A Very Sunny 5th to You and Yours!

Greetings from very sunny Fortuna, Ca. this morning. I hope everyone had a happy and safe 4th of July, yesterday. So - good news with the "deer problem". The lavendar I planted around the birdbath is healthy and thriving. The snapdragons I planted on the deck are also blooming and colorful. However...the rest of the flowers and fruits (petunias, violas, tomatoes, strawberries) were gobbled up overnight - dang! Since our border collie, Rocky, died at the end of March, all kinds of wildlife have made themselves at home on our property. The neighbors chickens, ducks, wild turkeys as well as THE DEER have roamed freely. Now, I don't mind the birds/fowl as they eat pesty slugs and such. But oh, those deer. Today we are installing a motion light, and I plan to spray a homemade mixture of garlic and egg whites around my babies. If all else fails, the entire yard will be awash in lavendar blue and colorful snapdragons. Any other ideas out there, will be greatly appreciated. I know, I know - a ten foot fence would help keep those mammals out - but, hey - we want to look at nature, not fence it all in...

I did a little "saling" this morning and came home with a few choice items: two cosmetic suitcases for $1 and 50 cents respectively (I use them to store a variety of crafting items), and a cute cabbage patch doll for $1. I'm a happy camper.

Enjoy the sunshine today - and do a little crafting, too!

1 comment:

kecia deveney said...

wish i had some suggestions for you about the deer, but alas, i don't! glad the sun is shining there today - i remember the overcast/foggy/misty look about the area. we've got rain and humidity. humidity is so high you almost can't breathe!